111 Scotts Point, Hampton, Virginia 23663

Property Details For 111 Scotts Point, Hampton, Virginia 23663

Front of condo located at 111 Scotts Point, Hampton, Virginia 23663

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Welcome to your waterfront oasis! This charming property boasts 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a serene location with relaxing views within a waterfront community. Enjoy easy access to the water with community dock and boat slip, perfect for those who love to spend their days on the water. A lot of recent updates including, Carrier, HVAC, new washer and dryer, new Kohler sink and Delta faucets in the kitchen, new entry handrails, new deck flooring and balcony, new ceiling fan and lighting in living room, new kitchen lighting, new granite counter kitchen, new skylight, new double pane window in living room and new hardware on the remaining windows, new trim around back deck windows and doors and eaves. Updated landscaping, Assigned Storage in community shed. Bring your fishing poles, crab pots and canoe and move right in.

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